I'm so damn busy.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I'm so damn busy.

You know the perfect song for this moment?

牛仔很忙 by Jay Chou.

Actually no it's not suitable. It's a childish song and my computer has fucking hanged for the fucking twentieth time while I'm typing this I can't even see the fucking screen.

Oh my goodness I'm so fucking stressed out and my computer is not helping.

Sorry for the profanities but I can't really care much now.

My condition?

- 1:20 a.m. in the morning.

- Studying that is not complete. (This can't be blamed since studying can never be completed.)

- My computer connection sucks and it has hanged for at least the 35th time already.

- I have to type down 13 pages of history for a school project.

- I have to type down the 1st chapter of history for my own notes.

- It's been ages since I've gone out. I've been like a nerd in school/home/tuition only.

- I've just found out my chinese class is on Tuesday and I have to cancel my malay tuition which is actually quite good. (But I'm planning to change to their science class... But I think there aren't any vacancies currently.

- I'm suffering from lack of sleep so my throat currently hurts and I've got 2 ulsers for about a week or more already.

- I need to get one of those ragged scarfs sell in those indian shops before half the people in Penang wear them.

- I need to get a belt buckle. But the prices are pretty ridiculous. I saw a kick ass Metallica belt buckle the other day but it was like 40 bucks.

- I've just googled Form 3 history and the search results most of them were folio shits. It seems complicated. Oh shit.

- I need to do my moral folio.

- I am sleepy and all the sleep I've got today was only 3 hours.

- There is prayer service tomorrow. I do know that faith is important in our lives but why pursue something when you are still questioning it? Why not pursue other things that you are more sure of? And I'm sorry but I'm just being honest, the prayers are boring and I'm sure to doze off a little here and there because of my lack of sleep now. And I've got tuition after school tomorrow so I can't sleep until I get home from tuition which is about 7 pm. And then there's dinner... And homework... And my folios... And my school projects... And studying...

Oh my God I think I'm gonna cry. I'm so fucking busy that I rarely get any fun. I have to insert fun here and there occasionally so that I don't die. Like listening to music, and reading some books. (I'm currently reading The Fall Of The House Of Usher and Other Writings by Edgar Allan Poe. Interesting book but it's written in an old english way or something, so it's sometimes very long-winded and boring.)

And I need cash. I wanna buy a

And just for my work reference and I'm scared my dad will screw the computer and all the favourite links will be lost, my sejarah folio links and other study links:

http://nextlevel.com.sg/question/10059 (For SJ Folio. Adat perkahwinan orang cina.)

http://sg.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ag51ejYcCeq3X1NBxFCICvAh4wt.;_ylv=3?qid=20070619000311AAK2bQL (Yahoo Answers SJ Folio. Info about perkahwinan orang melayu.)

http://malaysiana.pnm.my/01/0102cna_pengenalan.htm (Warisan budaya Malaysia. For extra folio information.)

And oh my God we have to get pictures, interviews, and videos for this folio. VIDEOS. WHAT THE FISHSTICKS?! How the hell can you stuff videos into a book?! Or maybe I just heard wrong. I'm doing the preparations anyways since I don't wanna risk my life and sleep, plus I can get more time to study.

Well anyways, if they need it here it is:

It is now 3am in the morning and finally this post is done. I finally did 1/3 of the 1/5 part of chapter 2 in history.

My eyes hurt, I've just cried and used at least 12 tissues. And I need to sleep soon.