夕阳无限好 却是近黄昏

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Chinese sucks.

I know it, I admit it. But sometimes I just can't help listen and stare in awe of some chinese songs. The ones I understand anyways.


Sung by: Eason Chan

Composed by: Eric Kwok
Lyricist: 林夕

多经典的歌后 一刹眼已走
缠绵著青葱的山丘 转眼变蚁丘
这个刹那宇宙 拒绝永久
世事无常还是未看够 还未看透

多好玩的东西 早晚会放低
从前并肩的好兄弟 可会撑到底
爱侣爱到一个地步 便另觅安慰
枉当初苦苦送礼 最艳的花卉 最後化烂泥

夕阳无限好 天色已黄昏
本想去凭爱 去换最灿烂一生
想不到长吻 带来更永恒伤感
夕阳无限好 却是近黄昏
高峰的快感 刹那失憾
风花雪月不肯等人 要献便献吻

多风光的海岛 一秒变废土
长存在心底的倾慕 可会够细数
只可追忆到 想追追不到

夕阳无限好 天色已黄昏
本想去凭爱 去换最灿烂一生
想不到长吻 带来更永恒伤感
夕阳无限好 却是近黄昏
高峰的快感 刹那失陷
风花雪月不肯等人 要献便献吻

好风景多的是 夕阳平常事
然而每天眼见的 永远不相似

It's about the changes in life and how beautiful things will tend to end some day.
I love the last line so much. It always makes me go 'Aww... ' =)

It's roughly translated as
"Beautiful scenery is not rare, like the common sunset.
But even though you see it everyday, it's never the same."

To me it's like one of the most beautiful songs ever. I just can't explain it. I don't even really understand why, it just is. So many songs in this world but damn, I love this one a lot.

And the music video, it's just so sad.

=) Nevertheless, I love.