Sports Day! And other shizzles

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Listening to: Why Cry by The Panic Channel
Mood: Lazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... *sleeps* Zzz... *wakes up* zy!

These few days have been...
I've been a big fat lazy pig for the past few days and I don't feel guilty. Well, maybe just a tensy wensy little bit.

Had sports day on Thursday and the weather was just hell. It was fine in the beginning since we could be under the tents and then when it was near the end, suddenly the sushi-for-brains-school wanted everyone to be under the sun so that everyone could be in front of the main tent so they could give out the awards.
It was so hot I think even my butt crack was sweating.
I honestly thought that I was gonna die or something. 45 minutes under the fucking blazing 12pm sun and you think we're numb?! We're humans too you inconsiderate assholes!

And Boys Brigade didn't win drill. =(
Most people say the main reason was cause we didn't wear full uniform. We only wore our ugly mufti with long pants and belt. We looked crappy. And our hand swinging was not too good I think.

Sea Cadet won. As long as Red Crescents didn't win again as usual for don't know how many years then I'm happy. HAHAHAHAHA. IN YOUR FACE RED CRESCENTS. HAHAHA.
I don't really care anymore if BB doesn't win. I'll be happy if those sissy chicks in white dresses don't win.
=_= Eh. So strict. I know the other groups are quite strict too but they don't have to use their heel... T_T Using your heel is a pain the ass especially when you're on rough ground or grass. People say that our feet are so cute when we march cause we use our heels. And other groups don't have cute feet. xD
Hope next year win la... Last year was pretty good cause we got 2nd place even though it was BB's first year in my school's sports day marching.

After that, me and Seetha were just freaking crazy and wanted to be green so we dug the trash cans for plastic bottles and aluminium cans.
And Oh.My.God.
I. Have. Never. Wanted. To. Kill. The. Students. In. My. School. So. Much. Before.


There were so many aluminum cans, plastic bottles and JUNK that it could even be made into an atomic bomb and kill Penang. My whole reaction while squashing the bottles was X__x.

And a piccie that I took of Seetha being the good samaritan she is and squashing the bottles:

Trust me, it's about 10 times more than what's in this picture. We filled up a whole big black gigantic bag, and I mean those big ass ones for those BIG BIG trash cans that are as tall as you, not the small ones at pasar malams. And those bottles were squashed.
The aluminum cans just filled up a normal white tesco bag.

It was crazy I tell you, just CRAZY.

And that's about all. Sports Day was so-so.

And I was freaking out over Sejarah Folio for NOTHING. My sj teacher helped everyone by photostatting everything and everyone was done in half an hour. Yes, just half an hour and everyone was finish, we didn't have to search the Internet or anything. My sj teacher is seriously so nice.
We've only done element 1.
She didn't tell us specifically what to do for element 2 so I am unsure and I will not do it yet. But I probably got all the information already.

And Panic At The Disco's new album is pretty... sad... Only Nine In The Afternoon seems a little happy. The other songs are usually slow or acoustic, no more synthesisers. I preferred the old Panic though... and their exclamation mark! I miss it loads! She Had The World is pretty good though, from their new album Pretty. Odd. Even though sad, it's quite nice. I love the first verse the most, it's so sweet.