I've been so busy and lazy for the whole week. Is that actually humanly possible??!!
I'm going to lice/ice/watever is his name's house after dinner so I can go to Port Dickson. I do not know how the heck am I gonna survive there for 4 days with at least 50 religious people. I am not the most mannered person in the world. Actually, I think I'm the LEAST mannered person in the world.
And I just finished my cancer essay for English! Wooho~~~~~~` I wrote 982 words. 1000's the limit. Not bad, not bad at all. Actually it is quite bad, most of it is from reference to the internet. I didn't know there was so much crucial information on this sickness. And the origin of the name cancer. I didn't know that.
I still have about 20 pages of History folio thought. @_@
How on earth am I supposed to finish that in 2 hours. And I'm still blogging now. Gotta rest though, I've been doing my essay and researching for about 3 or 4 hours straight. With 15 minutes lunch break in the middle.
Life is so hectic even on the holidays.
Posted by eternally4ever at 2:30 PM 0 comments
I finally have a real cellphone after about 5 months of not owning one. And it ain't half bad too. Sony Ericsson k610i.
The only thing is, when my mom gave it to me, it didn't have a SIM card.
A cellphone without a SIM card is like giving you a personally signed AFI album.
But with one flaw.
AFI's signatures are in invisible ink.
I knew that my mom was out to get my life.
Anyways, that doesn't matter now. I got my SIM card, and I'm happy.
Today was BB Founder's day. Had to sit in the church listening to the priest preach about Christianity for 3 hours or so. I won't really mind that actually, but I'm a Taoist, not a Chrsitian or Catholic.
And I was hungry the whole time. I didn't eat lunch because I ate breakfast late, and how was I to know that ceremony would be late for a whole hour. Thank goodness Theresa offered me her Oreos. I love them so much now.
I'm not sure I wanna go Prangin Mall tomorrow. Or hiking. I don't feel like hiking. BB had made me tired. I think I'll just sleep in. And...
There's no school for a week!!!
Posted by eternally4ever at 1:33 AM 0 comments

I am gonna rant this until I'm satisfied with my incoherent ramblings of true insanity. This is gonna be a moment, or maybe longer of whimsical raving.
Definition of Emo:
Abbreviation of emotional hardcore.
A particular style of hardcore punk rock (Usage: early 1990s)
Any form of guitar-driven alternative rock that is particularly or notably emotional - (Usage: late 1990s-current)
An individual or group of people associated with the subculture and musical style of definition (1) - (Usage: early 1990s)
An individual or group of people associated with a fashion or stereotype of definition (2)- (Usage: late 1990s-current)
A young person who is considered to be over-emotional or stereotypically emo - (Usage: 2000s)
All of this is forgivable... but there's just one thing that's not.
Rock music.
To be perfectly honest, I don't mind the emo subculture one bit, except for maybe the depression. The only thing I can't stand is, it's been look down upon. People think of emos as arrogant teeny-boopers that whine and complain all day even though their lives are quite fortunate. They categorize them all the same even though some aren't even like that.
I saw a rant on youtube and he ranted about the meaninglessness of emo. He kind of insulted Hawthorne Heights' Ohio Is For Lovers. I love that song. It may be depressing. But looking down upon that song because it's "emo" music, is just bad. The song actually has meaning and I really like it. And now Hawthorne Heights is being hated on even though I think their music is good.
There's more to the sadness and darkness of emo. There's meaning.
Maybe it's just me being obsessed about meanings of things, but I truly love knowing something that needs to be pondered about. And not just emo, a lot of other things have meaning too.
Now one of the main questions I always ask myself.
But I will have to thank emo though.
I found out about emo when I was in a phrase of my life where I really, and I mean really, liked My Chemical Romance. I loved the so much that I now know every song from their Three Cheers and Black Parade albums. I don't like Bullets too much though, too screamo for my liking, but Early Sunsets Over Monroeville is really good.
The Used, what an amazing band. They used to be very good friends with MCR, but they had a fall out and now aren't talking, but I don't mind, I still love both of them.
And later on, I found out about other bands. Paramore, HIM, Boys Like Girls, Jamison Parker, AFI, Cute Is What We Aim For, Cobra Starship, The Academy Is..., and more. I even knew about old bands like Nirvana, The Sex Pistols, The Who, Oasis, and some more.
Advantages and disadvantages of this trend. I don't mind too much being called emo, since I love knowing the meanings of things. And I think I shall remaind this way for some time.
Posted by eternally4ever at 10:01 PM 0 comments
Okay... I got the youth alive website wrong. Thanks to JooLing I can actually know what the real program is.
I don't have to learn how to be a pastor now... O_o
The program doesn't seem too bad, and seems kinda fun actually. The whole of Malaysia's gonna join in this program.
My Hair Before:
Posted by eternally4ever at 10:21 PM 0 comments