bakeddd againnnn

Friday, September 18, 2009

... Okay I know this is my 3rd post within a 24 hours span but just let me be, I'm under stress.

I baked! =D Again! (Cause I found out that baking is actually a really good way manage anger. Plus you can feed other people. So it's an epic win situation.)

I baked Castella/kasutera/japanese-sponge/bitch cake. Whisking with your hand alone is hell. D= Which is why I failed last time. Well anyways, this time it came out well.
Texture, smell all good. Taste not sure cause it needs to settle for a day before being cut. (Wtf right?)

I hope my brother or my dad won't suddenly get hungry and decide to scourge the kitchen for food suddenly and devour the whole thing. -__-