
Friday, August 28, 2009

Holy shittttttt.

My insomnia is back to haunt me. Maybe, maybe, and MAYBE ONLY I deserve for sleeping at the most random of times these past few days of holidays.

Now the maximum time I can sleep is 4 hours.
And I used to be able to sleep for 16 hours straight.

I am so bloody sleepy but my mind is sooooo active due to the fact that I sleep a lot, just not long enough. Okay I'm not really making sense but I'm ranting here, and rants aren't supposed to make sense.

Yesterday I slept at 5pm. I thought it'd be 3am in the morning or something when I woke up cause I usually sleep about 8 hours or so on a tiring day and yesterday I was as tired as fuck.

Turns out I woke up at 7pm. wtf.

And so I randomly walked around,
played rubik's cube,
baked green tea sponge cake (that failed cause it required the whiping of FIVE eggs until stiff. And y'know, my hand's weak and plus the egg rise so much it was almost spilling out of the bowl.),
find weird recipes to waste my green tea powder on,
and just walked everywhere like a bloody ghost.

And by 3am I wasn't tired enough to sleep. I swore it felt like my mind was overdosing like Heath Ledger.

And so I did one of the most tedious things on the face of the earth. I washed my hair, TWICE.
And conditioned.
And towel dry lightly.
And then bothered to blow dry it. WITH COLD AIR OPTION.

And by then it was 4am. -__- My brain died man. I was just staring at the ceiling for like half an hour and then I was like "FUCK IT!"

So I watched Pushing Daisies on PPS. I like Pushing Daisies. The pies look yummy.
That reminds me, I need to make pies. Maybe I'll make green tea cookies tonight? My oven has totally been working overtime this holiday, especially with my insomnia.
And like bloody hell I only slept at 9am today and then woke up at 12 noon. And I haven't slept since.

(activated the chinese thingo midway ftw. -_-)


D8 I'm not making sense anymore. Fuck it I'm gonna swallow some panadol to knock myself out.