To: vegans of the world

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Lulz. Well anyways, got the pic from some person on plurk. It's so cute I just had to put it here.

They should print it out on big ass posters and stick em in PETA people's faces. Stupid PETA people. I like their goals/missions/whatever-they-call-it, but their 'holier than thou' attitude seriously needs some fixing. Civilized people do not just run up into a runway and stick a big sign saying "GISELE FUR SCUM" on it while the show's still going on.

People have their choices and decisions and we should respect them. If their decisions are affecting the quality of life of other people, yeah sure then set their houses on fire, you should still have a CIVILIZED ARGUMENT over it and not throw red paint all over people. Doing that just equivalents you to being some mafia or syndicate member or something like it.

Speaking of syndicates, the school's been having one lately that steals food. Well anyways, the discipline teacher just blew her top and had a facial expression like this: D=<. And this is just food stealing... Some girl from Union got pregnant and doesn't even know who the dad is (-_-") and I wonder, just wonder, if that girl was from this school... Dammmnnn man. Pn G. gonna gut and murder her and break her spinal cord into 4 quadrillion pieces.