Sunday, July 22, 2007

How Immature Are You? test.

[ ] You have eaten fish food.
[x] You have eaten dog food. (A really nice cheesy flavor.)
[x] You have eaten cat food. (Smells bad but the taste isn't bad.)
[x] You have run into a glass door. (The front door of my house is glass, and while I'm half asleep I always run into it.)
[x] You have eaten an ant
[x] You have eaten grass.
[x] You have licked a tree (Really dry.)
[ ] You have polka dotted underwear.
[x] You have pink underwear.
[ ] You had contests with your friendsto see who can create the nastiest burp.
[x] You have screamed a random word in public. (GAARRRAAAAAA~!)
[x] You wave at people you don't know.
[x] You have flushed the toilet becauseyou were bored.
[x] You have slapped yourself out of boredom.
[x] You sing the "FUN" song. (Spongebob~~~)
[x] You hold conversations with a pillow, blanket, stuffed animal etc.
[x] You dream of llamas coming out of peoples' butts. (Llamas are PRREETTYY~!)
[x] You think people who eat brains are cool.
[x] You have/sing karaoke even though you know you're horrible
[x]You know how to spell "supercallafragalisticespialadosious" by heart. (Actually it's spelt as "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". "Even though the sound of it Is something quite atrocious...~")
[x] You make up your own words and use them with people who have no clue what they mean. (Tuppy Madonna! Kyou Wa Kam!)
[x] You have striped socks and you have worn them so people can see them.(stripes socks are one of the best things ever made.)

[x] You have hugged a random person. (Hugs are GOOD!)
[x] You have ran up and down the stairs cuz u were bored
[x] You have created a puppet show with your socks out of boredom.
[x] You have imagined peoplesaying "bla" and blowing up.
[x] You are addicted to the Animaniacs theme song.
[x] You are addicted to "The Pinky and the Brain" theme song.(sings:"thepinky and the brain..")
[x] You have stared at your ceiling for over 10 minutes. (Every night of my life.)
[x] You have talked to yourself
[x] You have conversations with your imaginary friends.(meet frankie, my imaginary friend. He likes to poke people.)

Multiply your answers by 3.

84% Immature!!! Not bad. =) I still don't wanna grow up. I wanna spin on roller chairs and watch Spongebob my whole life!