Stumble Upon to adults is like a playground for kids.
It's full of fun surprising things,
sometimes you meet friends,
you can learn stuff,
@ The Oatmeal. Click HERE.
and there's the occasional pedophile.
Awesome silhouette masterpieces @ HERE.
So go to stumble upon, NOW.
And if you're using Mozilla, get the stumble add-on, hours and hours of mindless websites to flip through. Stumble upon is like a remote control to channel surf the internet.
Stumble Upon.
Posted by eternally4ever at 2:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, pimpin'
pimpin' time.
The year is ending, and I want to do at least one thing right...
...with this awesome song!
Blame It On The Pop (Mashup of the top 25 songs of 2009) by DJ Earworm. It'll blow your ears away.
Posted by eternally4ever at 8:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: music
Complaining is a (wonderful, amazing, almost as good as winning the lottery) hobby that everyone has done. Do not deny that you hate complaining. You love to complain, you just hate listening to it.
When complaining to someone we feel like someone actually gives a shit about our problems when actually 80% of the time they're thinking "Hmm I wonder what happens if I burn my toes off? It must be more interesting than this pile of shit."
This is why therapists get a good pay, they have the shittiest jobs ever. (Okay, maybe not since clowns have the job of being retarded for amusement.)
Circle of complaining goes like this:
And so this is why I have devised a plan to lessen complaints. Not permanently destroy all complaints from the earth (2012 apocalypse would be true if that happened.), but just lessen it so everyone won't get crazy.
1. Complain.
It may seem ridiculous to cure complaints by complaining (kinda like curing a hangover by drinking more alcohol...) but it should work!
You can't keep bullshit inside you forever or you'll explode one day like a bullshit volcano. So yes, complain away. Just let it out once though. ONCE.
2. Find a solution.
Girlfriend left you? Find a prostitute.
Boyfriend cheated? Cut his balls off.
Too much homework? Feed it to your dog.
No problem in this world does not have a solution, the only complication is that some people are unwilling to solve it and would rather just wallow in their sadness.
3. Get over it.
So you got AIDS from the prostitute, jailed for assaulting the cheater, and you failed your finals. Well nothing can be done, time to move on.
Note: Just a humourous way to talk to my self-conscience, do some photoshop, and dabble in "philosophy" or whatever the hell it is.
Posted by eternally4ever at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, incoherent rants, lolz
3 topics, 1 retard.
This post just reveals my stupidity. I'm making this because I'm shameless and want to wallow in all that is shunned upon. I can so I will.
1. I think I just realised that I may be the messiest person alive.
My room is a complete shithole, I'm actually able to sleep on crap and sometimes I can't even see my floor.
And a picture (wow, I'm amazed too) to show how serious this is:
... and that's just part of it.
The laptop's the cleanest part cause I actually need to life it up sometimes.
2. I pick up random hobbies.
Okay first the baking, then it was the origami, now it's the crocheting. I have got to stop before I become a cat lady on drugs.
...but how can you resist THIS?!
(unicorn bear from HERE. Random picture owner pls do not kill me, I just like your teddy.)
3. I baked and will bake somemore cookies for Christmas.
Anyone want some? =D I need someone, anyone to finish them. I got cinnamon oatmeal, ginger cookies and sugar cookies. (Sugar cookies are just plain cookies really. Don't be fooled by that "sugar" name. I hate excessive sugar.)
Posted by eternally4ever at 5:13 PM 2 comments
Labels: geek moment, incoherent rants, randomness
Sorry for the sudden dog outburst. It's 7:42 am in the morning and I just had oatmeal with cinnamon.
Posted by eternally4ever at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: lolz, randomness
1 Good Thing About Twilight.
The single good thing to come out from the Twilight saga. How come I never noticed this before?! Oh god maybe I've been ignoring it too much.
Well anyways, click HERE for all the LOL-tastic goodness. This guy is a genius with words and a website.
A quote from the post to talk you into believing me...
Well random Devin dude, YOU making me laugh and laugh and laugh. Oh god my stomach almost broke in half laughing. This guy, hilarious. This quote ain't doing him justice. He works better in paragraphs and posts.
Posted by eternally4ever at 2:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: lolz
God actually likes me in this moment. Wow.
I feel like buying 500 lottery tickets right at this moment. You know why? Well here's the story...
I was watching How I Met Your Mother like how I do everytime I'm pissed bored at home drowning myself in cookies. I watched finish the most recent episode which is Season 5 Episode 9, Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of The Slap. After that, I decided to randomly click on an episode which I've never watched before. And guess what? I miraculously clicked on the first episode that had the Slap Bet in it.
Am I lucky or is this reverse-Murphy's Law?
Now I need to buy some DaMaCai before my luck runs out.
Posted by eternally4ever at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment
Cracked. Loved.
Pls click HERE and read. I know you want to. Oh not. Ah whatever you're missing out on Cracked.
I love Cracked.
Love love love love teletubbies, barney and sesame street kind of love. The kind of love that is embarassing to tell the world but you don't care cause nothing beats that awesome feeling in your heart that you know you love <3.
The amount I love of Cracked is around 50% I love of water/sleep/yaoi. It is A LOT.
Y'know why?
I didn't really know why.
Cause after all, it's just another one of those humour sites. There's still FMyLife, Lamebook, CollegeHumour, and more.
There's one small difference in it that makes it's very, very special though. And to quote Cracked themselves:
It turns out that actual smart, funny writing is such a rare thing on the Internet that people show up in droves when they get wind of it.
Holy fuckety fuck, I never realised it before. So this is why I prefer KennySia over Xiaxue! Xiaxue's definitely more interesting than kennysia but kennysia just wins the LULZ man.
And another thing, Cracked writers and commenters don't make me feel stupid.
You ever read the comments sections on CollegeHumour?
Well, they hurt. They really do hurt. They hurt my bloody brain for hell's sake.
All the random shitheads with their "OMG FIRST!!111!", the douchebags that have their shitty "holier than thou" attitude, and the retards who make no sense. They make CollegeHumour go from awesome to painful.
Ohmygawd a part of me inside just died. D8 So horrifying just remembering.
Posted by eternally4ever at 7:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, lolz
Supernatural. Super-frustrating.
Totally random note that 99% people who read my blog will not giving a flying fuck about but....
Just finished season 4 of Supernatural and WTF. -___-
Posted by eternally4ever at 3:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, incoherent rants, randomness, serious moment
Ever been let down before by people you actually trusted?
I have. Many, many times. I think this is about the 5th time it's happened.
I'm not an unreasonable person. When someone suddenly says that something important has come up and plans before have to be changed or either not happening, I'd understand. I won't throw blame around and I'll find another way.
But when it's happened repeatedly your faith in that person just gets shattered. Especially when the plans are very important to me and those plans have taken months to arrange.
Most people will hear of my situation and just recommend me to "screw them! There's others out there that are far better!"
Okay. So how the hell do I divorce my family?
Posted by eternally4ever at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: incoherent rants, serious moment
Question Of The Day :1
If you're in a conversation with a bunch of people, some of whom you are close with, some you barely know, and some absolute strangers, what is inappropriate, and what is not? O_o
Talking with a few people some time ago and was having few (note: few. Not many, not none, but moderate.) laughs. A joke was in my head but I was confused to say it or not.
1. They laugh.
2. They think my sense of humour is sick but nevertheless, funny.
3. They know I'm open-minded.
4. I'd know they're easy-going and I'll eventually grow a liking to them too.
1. They think I'm sick. Not in a good way too. =/
2. They think I'm the sort who is too open minded and likes to say TMI stuff to everyone I'm talking to.
3. They'll avoid me like the plague/swine-flu/H1N1.
So yeah. To say or not to say.
Everyone should know I'm open-minded. Like fo' srs open-minded. You could tell me you fucked a cow and impregnated it and all I would say is "Eh did you like it? Could I see your cow-human hybrid baby? 8D"
Some things I don't accept though are:
Unavoidable. Get over it, fact of life. All we can do is complain and pray the other groups don't find out about it.
Ignorance = bliss.
But you know people go too far sometimes like dragging a cow's head through the streets to protest the building of an Indian temple. -___- Idiots.
Some religions are still topics of jokes, so be open-minded if someone's joking about them. You have the right to freak out when that person starts throwing cow/pig's blood on you.
Yeah we know you worked hard for all your achievements, but can't you see our eyes rolling yet? WE DON'T WANT TO KNOW. FUCK OFF.
Posted by eternally4ever at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, serious moment
And the sloth award goes to....
Daily Schedule of Mine (for the long term holidays anyways)
6:00pm - Attempts to wake up.
Sleep again.
7:00pm - Hits head on cellphone, wakes up.
Take a piss.
7:15pm - Eat dinner.
Talk BS with family.
Watch random tv that I don't really give 2 shits about.
8:00pm - FacebbookPlurkStumbleuponCafeworldRestaurantcityFishvilleYaoiMsnFml
10:00pm - Take a piss.
Drink water.
(maybe) go shit.
1:00am - Dig cupboards/fridge like a rat for snacks.
Get freaked out by dog-banging-door/snake/weird-creepy-sound/mom
3:00am - Run up and down the stairs due to boredom
(and/or) open fridge repeatedly just to stare at light.
5:00am - Find some alcohol. Preferably vodka or a pussy drink like irish cream.
Don't matter. Drink.
8:00am - Ignore bugging by dad to sleep.
Eat a cookie(s).
10:00am - Ignore screaming by mom to sleep.
11:00am - Mom's screaming too annoying to ignore.
I love/hate the holidays really. It's so chillax but I feel slower than a sleepy sloth that's high on weed.
And when I do actually need to go out, I get so disorganized I actually have to plan 4 hours in advance.
Posted by eternally4ever at 7:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, lolz
Been some time since I've been in love with music from just one singer. Nowadays I just listen to random music I come by, no more specific bands or singers or pimping.
But that's going to change very, very soon. :D
Meet Christofer Drew Ingle (and no, not a typo, christopher with a F):
Singer of "NeverShoutNever!", a one-man-band. Think Secondhand Serenade but with far less heartbreak and a serious lot more of happiness, love-spreading and occasional sadness mixed in with hope.
First song I heard of his was Trouble and what can I say?
I absolutely love it. <3
Reminds me so much of a chillax version of Jason Mraz. Since the I'm Yours craze I haven't been keen on listening to him much lately cause I still haven't finished digesting all the "I'm YOUURRRRSSSS" tunes outta my head. =/
And while I still have your attention, please listen to this awesome song called On The Brightside too. =)
And after you're done with that, please go to his myspace/youtube/twitter/website/everything and listen to all those amazing songs please. This guy doesn't even have a full-length album out yet and his song Trouble already has more than 2 million views on Youtube.
Imagine that.
This 18 year old boy wonder and his trusty ukelele can seriously change the world man.
. . .
Posted by eternally4ever at 5:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, music, pimpin'
Last day T_T
Last time I'm going to school is tomorrow, and I haven't done SHIT.
Gotta scan pics for hueylin, print for chloe, pack my SPBT books, pack my choc cake for the guinea pigs at school, and get some sleep.
Kinda happy tomorrow's the last day but there's this stinging sad feeling that form 4's over. Form 5's coming soon and OH FUCK SPM.
Baked for the last time to give the guinea pigs. T___T Lavender cookies and chocolate cake. Lavender cookies kind of plain though but they're for the old people in my family and my mom banned me from using more sugar so no icing. Well anyways, choc cake = awesome, so it's okay.
So far this year's been pretty awesome really. Didn't go as plan but nothing ever does eh? =)
Well anyways, nothing else to say but...
Posted by eternally4ever at 10:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: school
I'm sorry.
Been some time since I had a heart-to-heart post. Recently all I've been doing is complaining about my problems and not analysing them. I miss the old times when my blog posts used to be choke full of emotions on problems which I faced. Whenever I used to have problems I would drown myself in half-assed writing on this place.
Writing on a blog is different from just writing out problems in a diary. Writing on a blog is like shouting out problems in public and hoping someone gives a damn about them whereas writing in a diary is just like crying to a mirror. Usual there's no reply to the problems but sometimes someone out there has time and gives sympathy.
So now it's time again to spill my disgusting, smelly guts to the world and hope someone will shout at me to pick them up.
Lately I've been a spoil brat. Wanting my cake and wolfing it down. I know it's due to sadness and frustration I feel in life though. I used to keep it to myself and let it simmer inside of me until it's all evaporated but now I like to release it out. Anger's very addictive and I'm scared I'll be addicted to it forever.
Okay the last paragraph is confusing but I'll try to explain somehow. Whenever I'm angry now I like to lash out my feelings to others, myself and things around me. I hurt people along the way but at the time I don't care. Regret starts seeping in though when I start to realize my faults. Sometimes we say things we don't mean.
I really try my best to be a nice person. I really do. But it's hard to balance being nice and being a pushover.
I don't want to be bullied.
But I want to be nice.
It's very conflicting and confusing I know and it's impossible to find a line to separate them both. I just hope what I do is right and what I've done wrong can be corrected.
To anyone reading this:
From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely apologize if I have insulted, offended, put you down or have hurt your feelings terribly before. If it's extreme hurt you've felt from me, I'm sorry, because no one deserve that kind of treatment no matter what they've done. Some time in the heat of the moment we do or say things we don't mean. I can't change the past but I can hope for the future.
P/S: Just wanted to let some things out. It's been eating at my heart recently.
Posted by eternally4ever at 12:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: serious moment
I needs help
I are sick. Has the flu. Shall wrote post withs bad grammar to amusing self and randoms stranger who is read my blog.
I has sneeze so much time that I vision are blurry. Feels like dying. Hope I can cure or is killing self.
Posted by eternally4ever at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, incoherent rants
Just finished playing Mother 3, aka Earthbound 2. My eyes have double vision, my left middle finger and ring finger hurt, and my brain is sooo tired.
But god it's so worth it. Mother3 = amazing.
(pic by EiffelArt on deviantart. Hit him up and give some <3 pls. )
It may seem like some normal nintendo game to people who haven't played it yet but omg THIS GAME CAN MELT HEARTS. D8
The ending was so goddamn sad man I think the black coffin filled with ashes they call my heart actually had a thump for a moment.
I checked out one of the songs on youtube and guess what? It seems it's normal being all sad at the ending, just look at the comments on the video, they practically made rivers outta tears man.
To be honest I prefer Mother 2 even though I didn't finish Mother 2.
Played Mother 2 around like 6 or 7 years ago or so. Had 1 more stage left until the game would end but the emulator had issues so yeah, couldn't finish.
Even though it's kinda foggy in my memory but I liked the fact that Mother 2 was so... weird. It's was like Shigesato Itoi (game's writer) was on crack when he made it. O__o
Just downloaded the emulator and game though so gonna be playing that soon. =D Gotta rest my brains first before I start though or I'll die of brain-dead cause after I start I can't stop. -_-
Living proof is me, I suck at playing vid games and yet I finished Mother3 within 3 days. O__O ftw man I didn't stop much expect for yesterday cause had a party. (Oh and totally random but the party was kinda fun :D)
I think this coming school holiday I'm gonna be a nerd and play vid games. O_o Don't want to cause it's so dorky but... OMG CAN'T RESIST D8.
Posted by eternally4ever at 3:41 AM 0 comments
Labels: gaming, geek moment, pimpin'
FMy Day..
I woke up at 9pm. The last 6 hours I've gone through, were the shittiest, shietest hours of my life.
Like fo' srs, FMyDay.
Not even in the mood to type full sentences, gonna make them in shitty short points:
- Something's fucked up about my baking. Never touching butter in a long time
- Wtf my eyesight. I'm having double vision all of a sudden
- Gained weight
- Accidentally knocked my mom's hand while she was taking tomato soup from the fridge. I had to mop up vagina-blood-looking soup
- I smell like vagina tomato soup
- Someone finished my healthy wholemeal choc chip cookies. Now I don't have healthy shit to snack on
- My dog almost ate my foot
- My ears are deaf from being nagged at
Frustration. -__-
Posted by eternally4ever at 2:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: incoherent rants
rant time! =D ...& a little problem
You know what I hate?
Preachers are nosy, annoying, arrogant, pompous bastards.
Okay sure the commenter was kinda mean but I'm complaining about nosy people, not mean people. (Mean people are reserved for another day's complaints)
Well anyways, back to the point.
Some people need to seriously STFU especially when it involves condemning people to hell.
Everyone has their own life choices and about the hell thing, it's uncertain so until you've got 100% proof, not many people are gonna get freaked out and swear their virginity.
Well fuck that shit. If I don't listen then I deserve it, if I feel that I don't deserve it and the gods are just shitting with me, then I'll make another whine/complaint/rant/bullshit-that-no-one-cares.
The worst kinda preachers are the ones that push their unwanted opinions on you.
Yes, I'm talking about the Daily Habit Preachers.
If I want to bloody arrange my books in alphabetical order in the name of their 2nd cousins in their 3rd marriage, JUST LET ME BE.
If I want to have my lights on while I sleep, LET ME BE.
If I want to dunk all my food in a blender and eat it in liquid form, LET ME FRIGGIN BE.
It won't effect you whatsoever and it'll just make me happy.
*phew* Okay. Done. Happy. =D
Now about baking. Heck I love baking. My mom refuses to buy me sugar. So I baked some sugarless, butterless crackers.
Around 17 cals per slice and taste awesome with anything really. People that don't like oats think they taste like sand mixed with puke but fk em', they can't appreciate mother nature's most awesome grains.
Well there's this dilemma now. I'm supposed to be baking cheese tarts for the party but like I'm sleeping over at Susian's place on saturday night so... wtf am I supposed to do? Ah whatever I'll shove it at Susian. =D
Posted by eternally4ever at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Fireflies by Owl City
To ten million fireflies-
I'm weird cause I hate goodbyes.
I got misty eyes as they said farewell,
But I'll know where several are,
If my dreams get real bizarre,
Cause I saved a few and I kept them in a jar.
Fireflies by Owl City is so... o___o.
I can't describe it. I just love it.
There's this bit of childishness and sadness inside that makes me so drawn to it.
Adam Young really makes the best music sometimes... =D
And I really like this song too. Vanilla twilight. Really sweet and makes me wanna sleep.
Posted by eternally4ever at 9:45 PM 0 comments
Exams over but no transportation to go out... Too sad to shout profanities even. Sigh.
Posted by eternally4ever at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: serious moment
blah blah blah eff this eff that
I thought shit would finally stop after exams and guess what?
Sigh. At least I can be nocturnal and bake now eh?
Posted by eternally4ever at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: incoherent rants
Toilight Paper
Posted by eternally4ever at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, lolz
Screw KFC
You know what I hate?
The taste of KFC.
Yeah, you should know what it tastes like. Unless you're one of those rich kids who haven't eaten a single fast food meal in their life.
That horrible and disgusting taste of coke, coleslaw, mash potatoes, and fried chicken all wrapped up on your tongue.
Some sorta like this just minus the fake tortillas.
Yeah well it sucks. And I hate it. Screw you KFC.
Posted by eternally4ever at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Labels: food, incoherent rants
I feel so badass listening to 3OH!3. O__O I think it's cause of their voices.
Well anyways, I love 'em, so I pimp 'em.
My fav song for now is Dance With Me.
And I never noticed how sweet Colorado Sunrise was until I read the lyrics and stuff.
I'm really amazed at 3OH!3's versatility. When I first heard Don't Trust Me I thought they would be just another one hit wonder myspace band since they got this techno-rap-rock thing going on like the other bands at myspace.
...but fate somehow lead Jessie to send me Still Around.
I know it's lame but I found love at first sound. =)
After that I started listening to their other songs and I now love about 80% of all their songs. Some songs I can't get used to cause those just don't suit me. But anyways, it's still love.
And for anyone who's curious, they named themselves 3OH!3 after their hometown area code in Colorado.
So, quick go listen to all their songs. I'm sure at least 50% of them will be worth your time unless you friggin Obama or Hitler and have a country to dictate.
P/S: OMG how did I not notice this version before?! Fuck it's awesome. The beat is more heavy and even though Katy's voice doesn't seem fitting to the song sometimes, the beat is still the best.
Fuck I'm in love with their songs.
Posted by eternally4ever at 3:42 PM 0 comments
bakeddd againnnn
... Okay I know this is my 3rd post within a 24 hours span but just let me be, I'm under stress.
I baked! =D Again! (Cause I found out that baking is actually a really good way manage anger. Plus you can feed other people. So it's an epic win situation.)
I baked Castella/kasutera/japanese-sponge/bitch cake. Whisking with your hand alone is hell. D= Which is why I failed last time. Well anyways, this time it came out well.
Texture, smell all good. Taste not sure cause it needs to settle for a day before being cut. (Wtf right?)
I hope my brother or my dad won't suddenly get hungry and decide to scourge the kitchen for food suddenly and devour the whole thing. -__-
Posted by eternally4ever at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: food, geek moment
Fuck I'm pissed
I usually don't get pissed off so much or easily by a person, but this time I've reached, passed and jumped my breaking point.
This is a major rant so eff off if you don't wanna read a 500 word essay on how much a piece of shit a person is.
My aunt is a BITCH. And I don't fucking care if you somehow fucking find this you judgmental spinster. I hope one day you choke on your words and DIE.
How can someone come into my home as a guest and fucking judge me for who I am with just 2 weeks of seeing me? Barely seeing me actually since I avoid her like the swine flu.
And fucking hell she is not lecturing me for my own good, my mother has tried to do so for the past 10 years and has failed terribly, so I don't think she would do any better. I can actually tolerate my mother more cause she gave birth to me. Sure I'm an asshole sometimes but I can't exactly ignore the fact that my mother gave life to me.
The bitch has come into my home and disliked the way I study, the way I eat, the way I dress, the time I sleep, my friends, my hobbies, and bloody hell she's even insulted my parents before my very fucking eyes even.
The only reason she isn't get punched in the face yet is cause my family is actually pretty respectful when it comes to family ties. Older people get respected because well, they're older. And you know the so called "I've eaten more salt than you've eaten rice" chinese proverb BULLSHIT.
The fact that she's an Australian now and has a heavy aussie accent makes me hate australia. Even though aus isn't really that bad since they had Heath Ledger and the Veronicas and stuff.
Everything she represents, I hate. You know why? I FUCKING HATE HER GUTS.
I'm so bloody ashamed to be blood related to you. You make me wanna puke.
Well thank god you're leaving in 2 day's time. GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE YOU BITCH.
Posted by eternally4ever at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: incoherent rants
Gay love <3
I love gay men and their music.
Sam Sparro
(Link to official vid is here. Stupid record companies don't allow youtube embedding.)
Pure blissful POP. =D Never heard such light music in ages man. All this rap/rock/heavy-techno is making me sick.
And totally random but I think Sam Sparro sounds like a black dude singing mo-town.
Posted by eternally4ever at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Guilty Pleasures: Part 1
(Note:I was kinda talking in a different way in this post, was a wee bit drunk. I apologize for any headaches caused.)
Okay my posts are getting boring lately so imma post stuff that are kinda interesting (to me anyways) that I'm checking out now and I'm gonna pimp them. Cause y'know, I only pimp what's hot, and what I check out is alwayyss hottt.
And my list does not contain the usually cheesy teeny booper stuff.
*cough TwilightRobertPattisonJoBrosHannahMontanaStupidShit cough*
Movies. The ones that are already here are in BLUE, the ones not yet here are in RED. Cause you know, blue is cold and old. (Rhyming unintentionally is my hidden talent. And yes, I KID YOU NOT.) Red is warm and coming soon.
1. Marie Antoinette (3/10)
A film about Marie Antoinette, once a queen of England and a woman who was the "most misunderstood and abused" female that ever existed. >_> Pfft. So far I've only seen half the movie on youtube, and yes it is available on youtube, and all I've seen is her living a lavish lifestyle by attending parties, eating decadent french pastries (AND THEY LIKE GETTING FAT. THE ASSES.) and buying millions of bloody shoes.
Just imagine Victoria Beckham as a queen and exclude the eating part.
(Macarons, the Oreos of France. Don't be fooled by it's appearance, it's actually really awesome. And you know the french people and their picky-ness. I need to try them out man. Ritz, here I come.)
So far throughout half the movie the only sad thing she has to go through is not getting sex and not getting pregnant. You know, the royal family heir bullshit conspiracies and crap. Well maybe it's too early for me to judge but, I dunno, I think the movie's just okay-okay. The music from the movie is absolute CRAP though. Wtf plays techno at lavish balls?
2. Dorian Gray
Remember Prince Caspian from Narnia? Yeah, that blonde idiot. Well the actor's name is Ben Barnes, and I think you should try to remember it. Even though he once played a crap character in some stupid kid film, he should be given a second chance just cause he looks so bloody handsome in old english-ey clothes.
(And yes I know it's practically impossible not to swoon at guys in old english-ey clothes, *points at Heath from Casanova* but once you see the fat asses from Marie Antoinette, it's not that hard really.)
Well about Dorian Gray. Dorian Gray the film is based on the book The Picture of Dorian Gray. The main theme of the book is about Hedonism, a philosophy which is based on the obsession with the pursuit of pleasure, finding contentment and happiness in all acts that bring about pleasure without caring about the feelings of others nor caring if they are immoral or not. So point blankly, it's aim is GET DRUNK HAVE FUN WOOHOO.
(There are other philosophies on Hedonism, but I'm not gonna bother explain all of that cause it's pretty much sleep-inducing and boring.)
Now, synopsis of the movie. Dorian Gray is a simple normal person until he's swept into some sort of a higher social circle by this Lord Henry person, and like most people would, he got intoxicated by it all and wanted it to last forever. And based on my own interpretation of the trailer which is already as blurry as fuck, the old dude is the devil and wants Dorian's soul. And in return for Dorian's soul, Dorian will get to live forever to attend as many parties as he wants, intoxicate himself into oblivion and last but not least, fuck as many women as he wants.
(Everything in yellow is based on my own views and in no way it is possibly true unless the script writers are as psycho as me. If you wanna know what happens, watch it when it comes out. )
3. Inglourious Basterds
In this movie, Brad Pitt is violent-looking and wearing a military uniform while screaming: "Each and every man under my command owes me one hundred Nazi scalps... and I want my scalps!"
Okay, where can I get my tickets? WHERE. D<
Beside Brad Pitt, the main reason I wanna watch this is cause Quentin Tarantino a.k.a sick-ass-fuck-bastard-of-a-crazy-director is the director of the movie. Quentin Tarantino is known for having directed (and produced too, I think) Kill Bill, Planet Terror, Pulp Fiction and all those sick as fuck movies you pussies can't watch.
Posted by eternally4ever at 11:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, lolz, pimpin'
Holy shittttttt.
My insomnia is back to haunt me. Maybe, maybe, and MAYBE ONLY I deserve for sleeping at the most random of times these past few days of holidays.
Now the maximum time I can sleep is 4 hours.
And I used to be able to sleep for 16 hours straight.
I am so bloody sleepy but my mind is sooooo active due to the fact that I sleep a lot, just not long enough. Okay I'm not really making sense but I'm ranting here, and rants aren't supposed to make sense.
Yesterday I slept at 5pm. I thought it'd be 3am in the morning or something when I woke up cause I usually sleep about 8 hours or so on a tiring day and yesterday I was as tired as fuck.
Turns out I woke up at 7pm. wtf.
And so I randomly walked around,
played rubik's cube,
baked green tea sponge cake (that failed cause it required the whiping of FIVE eggs until stiff. And y'know, my hand's weak and plus the egg rise so much it was almost spilling out of the bowl.),
find weird recipes to waste my green tea powder on,
and just walked everywhere like a bloody ghost.
And by 3am I wasn't tired enough to sleep. I swore it felt like my mind was overdosing like Heath Ledger.
And so I did one of the most tedious things on the face of the earth. I washed my hair, TWICE.
And conditioned.
And towel dry lightly.
And then bothered to blow dry it. WITH COLD AIR OPTION.
And by then it was 4am. -__- My brain died man. I was just staring at the ceiling for like half an hour and then I was like "FUCK IT!"
So I watched Pushing Daisies on PPS. I like Pushing Daisies. The pies look yummy.
That reminds me, I need to make pies. Maybe I'll make green tea cookies tonight? My oven has totally been working overtime this holiday, especially with my insomnia.
And like bloody hell I only slept at 9am today and then woke up at 12 noon. And I haven't slept since.
(activated the chinese thingo midway ftw. -_-)
D8 I'm not making sense anymore. Fuck it I'm gonna swallow some panadol to knock myself out.
Posted by eternally4ever at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, incoherent rants, randomness
...about utube
Go watch Shane Dawson! (link) NOWWW.
I love the fact that's he's so open to cussing. I loooveee people who cuss sometimes (when exaggerating and needed only and not 24/7 like some idiot ah beng) cause people that cuss are usually more open minded and shiz.
Well anyways, he's hilarious. And I think he's better than Nigahiga, recently anyways. Nigahiga's running outta ideas and most other people on youtube are either still boring or I just don't get them. WhatTheBuck. (link) What the fuck is WhatTheBuck saying sometimes? He goes so fast like C.S. Wong that I just stare and don't even have time to register what he's going at.
...NigaHiga's (link) video quality is starting to fuck up. What the heck happened to his old camera?!
and most of all... FRED. (link) JUST STFU PLS. Your voice makes me want to kill a cat.
Posted by eternally4ever at 5:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, incoherent rants, lolz, pimpin'
oh god.
My life is a fucking mess. I do not know what the hell is happening to me but my inspiration, my motivation, my every piece of shit-fucking-will-to-live is absolutely gone.
I may not seem any different in my daily life but god my life is so messy now. I haven't done homework, studying, cleaning and bothering for ages.
I usually always get shit from my hypocritical family but maybe they've just gone too far. I've lost all motivation to care.
I need a holiday and I hope next week passes in a hurry. I desperately need some time to settle my thoughts and get on with my life.
“Life is thickly sown with thorns, and I know no other remedy than to pass quickly through them. The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us.”
And so, to quickly pass my bloody misfortunes, I will. Fuck this shit. I WILL rearrange my life.
Posted by eternally4ever at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: incoherent rants, serious moment
Life Goal
Before I die or become too old to bake, I will, WILL, WILL bake a Matcha, Lemon and Chocolate Opera cake.
Consisting of 5 parts, taking about a whole day to make and absolute hell for me. ='(
But mark my words, I will make you one day.
Recipe and photos from here. (Click it please. The baker is awesome. She could make your tummy grumble in 5 seconds.)
Posted by eternally4ever at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: food, geek moment
Screw my vegan diet. Nothing gets in between my baking and me.
... Okay maybe not exactly screw it but I'll give myself 1 day of non-vegan-ness.
I used only 1 egg and 80grams of butter! Considerably less than most recipes!
Cakes require more animal killing and this is why I choose bread instead of cakes.
I made wholemeal banana, raisin and honey cinnamon rolls! And the best part was when I could see the honey dripping out of the rolls. *drools*
It took me an hour to knead the dough though cause it's my official first time baking bread without much help at all. (And instructions shouted at me by my mom is not counted. -_- )
Sad part is that after all the work I only made.... 12 rolls. And they turn stale within a day. Now that is sad.
Hope they turn out well though. They're still getting baked and rising beautifully in the oven. 8D
*And after they got out of the oven...*
They're so awesome that I don't mind that I wasted 3 hours on them! <3
Since they're fresh so they're crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It isn't too sweet with means it's kinda healthy, and the banana and raisins make them sweet naturally.
Cakes can eat my shit (for now), I found a new love in bread.
Posted by eternally4ever at 12:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: food, geek moment, incoherent rants, randomness
Viva la Vegan?
It's been about 2 weeks since I've declared war on meat. And all I've gotta say is...
wtf don't I live in bloody america?!
They have vegan ice cream!
They have vegan butter/peanut butter/cream cheese/whatever-you-put-on-your-bread! (And bloody hell they even have almond butter)
Sorry for the useless rant. It's just that I haven't tasted chicken since forever so that kinda does weird things to your brain...
But I guess I'm doing well. Whenever I'm hungry I find fruits instead of cookies.
One impossible task though... How do I bake?
Posted by eternally4ever at 5:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: food, geek moment, incoherent rants, randomness
After all this time, Severus?
Likk tis' is.. *sniff sniff* ... so saaadd... *blows snot into tissue* ='(
"Dumbledore: After all this time, Severus?
Snape: Always.
(discussing Snape's continued love for Lily Potter)"
— J.K. Rowling
Ok I wasn't really crying... I don't cry much since the organ my blood flows to isn't a heart, it's a black coffin of ash and dust. But this black coffin feels sad sometimes and I think it totally died when I read that quote thing.
I was bored so I was checking out GSC and then checked out Snape's wiki page and and... ='( So saddening. Snape was like the best character out of the whole story. The dude died for nothing.
Oh god I'm such a big fat pussy. ='(
Posted by eternally4ever at 7:05 PM 1 comments
Labels: geek moment, incoherent rants, lolz, quotes
I haven't made a to-do list in ages. About time I get off my ass and do one.
1. Buy Fuze diet white tea with pomegranate.
I love tea. I love pomegranate. I love 0 calorie stuff.
So I absolutely, totally love you, Fuze.
2. Avoid meat at all cost for 30 days.
I don't really like PETA, but I think I should take the pledge and explore vegetarianism.
3. Find and buy green tea chewing gum.
Where the heck do they sell this stuff?! I can't find!
Posted by eternally4ever at 3:31 AM 0 comments
Going... green?
Call me insane but maybe, maybe, maybe.... I wanna be a vegetarian.
(I don't agree with all of the reasons, but I do agree with most.)
And if you're pro-non-vegan then I suggest don't read this. I don't wanna unintentionally piss people off.
I can easily give up fried chicken.
I don't really like pork.
I hate most seafoods.
I'm not picky when it comes to veggies. (Bitter gourds and brinjals could go die though.)
The problems I will have to go through though if I wanna be vegetarian are:
1. Not enough nutrition.
Even if I drink a gallon of soya milk a day I will still lack in Protein.
Only way to get Iron is to eat foods that make you fart a lot (beans).
Only way to get vitamin B12 in enough amounts is by cheating vegetarianism eating supplements.
2. Eating out will be as hard as finding Michael Jackson alive.
How many restaurants actually bother putting out a vegetarian section?
And McDonald's doesn't have vege-burgers no more. Well at least in Penang.
3. Have to give up current foods that I like.
My salmon. My milkshakes. My muffins. D=
So a good solution will be...
being a lacto-ovo-vegetarian.
Yes to drinking milk and eating eggs. Definite no-no to eating salmon though. (... but salmon's expensive anyways so better don't eat?)
Okay this requires some thinking...
Posted by eternally4ever at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Adam Lambert rant
Kris Allen go away. I don't like you. Stop invading the local radios.
I am absolutely SICK of just playing Kris Allen's version of No Boundaries. Sure Kris is an awesome singer, good looking, etc etc blah blah but I still prefer Adam's version of No Boundaries.
Adam = awesome falsetto.
His voice is the kinda voice you recognize after just hearing it for a second. That distinctive falsetto is totally unbeatable.
So screw you, hitz.
Posted by eternally4ever at 12:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, incoherent rants, music, pimpin'
MJ and Darfur
First and foremost before anything, I would like to bid Michael J. goodbye. ='(
Wasn't that big a fan but I knew some of his songs since I was a kid and I gotta admit, those songs were pretty damn awesome.
Plus the guy holds the record for having the best selling album of all time. No one, and I mean NO ONE, has ever sold more than him for more than 20 years.
Sure the guy had a lot of accusations on him, but those until now are just accusations and aren't verified. Whatever he does in his personal life shouldn't affect his music at all.
And from me a big "FUCK YOU" to all those assholes who are making jokes about him even after he's dead. Let the poor guy rest in peace okay?
Makes me kinda sad to type this all in past tense.
R.I.P M.J. Say good riddance to all the bad media.
Now for some crisis stuff. Maybe this is gibberish to y'all but I'm spreading the news. About Darfur.
Since 2003 Darfur has been put into an emergency state because of a war. The Darfur government has been committing genocide.
Genocide is, as the United Nations would define, acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.
Hating on people just because of how they were born and not how they act is just being Hitler the 2nd. (Hitler committed genocide against jews btw if you're still living under that rock. Get ur ass out of it now.)
And how would you like it if your ethnic group was killed just because they weren't liked? Or if your religious group was killed just because they were following their faith?
Well I can't do much, I'm just one person afterall. But it would help if I spread the news since I kinda noticed some people still go ??? when they hear about Darfur
Posted by eternally4ever at 5:31 PM 1 comments
Labels: incoherent rants, serious moment
where is me vodka?!
God it's 4am in the morning and I shouldn't be craving this at this time but...
man I would love some vodka right now.
All that I got in the house though is chivas and some unopened grey goose. And unopened = can't open without the owner's permission.
P/S: Anyone know where I can get those weird flavours of Absolut in Penang?
Posted by eternally4ever at 4:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: food, incoherent rants
Major geek moment.
I have a craving... a very bad craving...
...No it's not towards heroin or some weird drugs. -__- I'm too broke to be an addict.
I want a book.
But not just any book.
I want a book that makes me refuse to put it down as if it's gonna hit me with a AK47 if I don't read faster,
a book that blows me away so much tornadoes and tsunamis will seem like a small like exhale of bad breath from you (eat more mentos! like me :D),
a book that makes Chuck Palahniuk, Natsuo Kirino and Haruki Murakami look like amateurs (oh say it isn't so! D=),
a book that holds my attention so much I actually forget to eat and I get to lose some weight (yay =DDDDDD).
But but but...
Last book I read that was actually worth my time and unputdownable was Beat The Reaper by Josh Bazell. And even that book had a few flaws. It was occasionally (NOTE OCCASIONALLY) confusing, long windy and boring. But it makes up for it all by being vulgarly funny and crazy.
Cost me quite a lot since I don't really blow my money much on things that can be used once only but damn, friggin worth it.
Not sure if I said it before since I'm as absent minded as an Alzheimer patient but maybe I should get this book: Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.
It's a historical novel on circus life and I think I haven't read about circus life before. I keep reading these books about psychopathic murdering loners and I don't really think that's good for me...
Posted by eternally4ever at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, incoherent rants
Okay I shouldn't rant about Heroes so much since I know not many ppl watch it and I'm starting to look REALLY whine-ey.
Well excuse me for acting like a spoilt brat for 5 minutes please. I need to tell the world how much I hate bimbotic bitchy blondes. (They all start with a B!)
I just finished episode 9 of season 3 and I think they're taking sides already.
Mr Petrelli on one side with his homies while Mrs Petrelli on the other side with her 'hood.
(And there's this issue that's bothering me. Okay I know this movie's supposed to be based on fictional 'science facts', with all the 'formulas' and stuff but some of the abilities are just... WTF. Like flying. I never did understand flying. Are you defying physics or do you have invisible jet packs on your Nikes? 0_o)
Anyways, back to the main topic... WHY IS THERE A BLOND ON BOTH SIDES?!
I hate Claire and Elle soooo much. (Well not as much as Peter Petrelli cause Peter's a stupid pussy with the IQ of a turtle.)
Reason why I hate them:
1. Daddy issues.
Okay your dad may have lied/control/tortured you when you were a kid blah blah yadda yadda crap blah etc. Well whatever, stop it! WE GET IT ALREADY, OKAY?! What is with bimbos and their daddy problems?!
“You know who is confused? Bimbos. They’re easily confused. It’s one of the thousand little things I love about them. I love their vacant, trusting stares; their sluggish, unencumbered minds; their unresolved daddy issues. I love them Lily, and they love me. Bimbos have always been there for me, through thick and thin-mostly thin. B-man don’t do thick crust, what up!”
-quote from How I Met Your Mother, said by Barney Stinson the man himself.
2. Some dumbfuck from youtube. (Not a reasonable reason but I'm including it. You can't stop me)
From some random video of Hayden Panettiere (or however you spell it), someone commented that 'she is definetly hotter than megan fox'.
Uh-huh. Yeah right. Totally. -___-
(oh btw I did a double check on the rumours saying that she was born a man and guess what? They're fake. I don't know whether I should be threatened as a fellow female species or relieved that a man wasn't hotter than 90% of the female population.)
3. They contradict themselves so much
Elle kept shouting to Sylar : "YOU MURDERER!" As if like that's something bad in the show. Well even if it is something bad, her first appearance in Season 2 episode 1 she was already killing as regularly as eating breakfast. -__- And not reasonable killing too. She killed Caitlin's brother which was unnecessary since she didn't even catch Peter in the end.
Why couldn't she catch him? O_o doesn't it take a dumb-eff to know a dumb-eff to catch a dumb-eff?
Okay maybe I should've embrace the only few pairings in the show like Sylar/Elle, Matt/Daphne, Nathan/Tracy Strauss...
Maker of Heroes, Tim Kring, the Gods, ANYONE, I don't care who, just STOP WITH THE BLONDS. PLEASE. STOP IT. At least make them smart and not so emotional! Maybe you could add in some brunette guys? I don't even care if they're gay and married! JUST ADD THEM IN ALREADY. Someone like Josh Duhamel or something!
Oh wait I'm watching a science fiction. The only ppl that watch these kinda shows are...
male dorks.
...oh so that explains the infinite amount of blonds. Oh crap I think I need to watch shows like House or Desperate Housewives instead.
Posted by eternally4ever at 5:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: incoherent rants, quotes, randomness
Interview With The Vampire
Oh goodness. 16 mortal years of my life was not live until just now when I watched Interview With The Vampire and... It's so gorgeous. Twilight is nothing when compared to it. It was made 18 years ago but it still seems as fresh as ever.
Brad Pitt was then still quite young at the age of 27. And Tom Cruise wasn't known for being "that-idiot-who-jumped-on-Oprah's-couch" during that time and was instead almost on the same status as Brad for being super hot.
And I absolutely loved the 18th century setting for the movie. The only time when men could actually wear ruffles and lace and be considered manly.
And the black humour! Priceless.
And damn. I just read wiki and it said that Johnny Depp turned down the role of Lestat. D= He would've been such an awesome sadistic vampire.
Posted by eternally4ever at 5:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: pimpin'
100 truths.
I duno how to do Notes in Facebook so imma do it here. YES I KNOW I'M KINDA DUMB. Everyone's kinda technology-retarded sometimes.
1. Last beverage: Water
2. Last phone call: Seetha's sister 0_o
3. Last text message: Susian
4. Last song you listened to: I'm not sure but I think it was Lala by Ashlee Simpson
5. Last time you cried: my eyes didn't water but I know my stomach was bursting with tears when I ate that horrible chocolate cake. (please refer to last blog post if you don't understand)
6. Dated someone twice: Nope
7. Been cheated on: EVERDAY. D=
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: nope
9. Lost someone special: lots of times
10. Been depressed: who hasn't?
11. Been drunk and threw up: Drunk yes, threw up, no.
12. Shit green
13. rainbow
14. invisible-colour (yes it exists, u just can't see it. press ctrl+a if you want to see it.)
15. Made a new friend: Yea
16. Fallen out of love: Yea
17. Laughed until you cried: totally
18. Met someone who changed you: nope
19. Found out who your true friends were: kinda?
20. Found out someone was talking about you: talking bad or good?
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: nope
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: umm... abt 20-30 of them I guess
23. How many kids do you want?: for now, none.
24. Do you have any pets: i don't think that 'demon creature' is my pet. IT IS A MONSTER.
25. Do you want to change your name: nope
26. What did you do for your last birthday: Stare at sheep that ppl gave me.
27. What time did you wake up today: 3 or 4pm
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: lepak-ing at jooling's house while waiting for my mom to talk her ass off
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: graduating secondary school.
30. Last time you saw your Mother: 5 hours ago.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: my habit of procrastinating
32. What are you listening to right now : I THINK it's frog sounds.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: nope
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: my photoshop cs2. It has pms.
35. Most visited webpage: google
36. Whats your real name: Loh Hui Min
37. Nicknames: stupid head. Asshole. Blur head.
39. Zodiac sign: Is that chinese or western? 0_o Chinese, chicken, western, taurus.
40. Male or female?: Female
41. Primary School?: Hun Bin Primary
42. Secondary School?: Convent Light Street
43. High school/college?: Currently none.
44. Hair colour: black
45. Long or short: Medium.
46. Height: 164cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: nope
48: What do you like about yourself?: i have the tendency to sleep a lot. AND I LOVE IT! =D
49. Piercings: Ears.
50. Tattoos: none
51. Righty or lefty: Righty
52. First surgery: dental?
53. First piercing: 11
54. First best friend: Jia Yuan
55. First sport you joined: ...walking?
56. First vacation: Thailand
58. First pair of trainers: Nikes.
59. Eating: oxygen
60. Drinking: water
61. I'm about to: get on with my life after this
62. Listening to: some weird crazy mat rempits nearby my house
63. Waiting on: the time to pass by
64. Want kids?: only if have to.
65. Get Married?: guess so
66. Career?: Something related to psychology. Not sure if wanting industrial or clinical psychology though. =/
67. Lips or eyes: depends
68. Hugs or kisses: uhhh... hugs?
69. Shorter or taller: Taller
70. Older or Younger: Older
71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: arms
73. Sensitive or loud: loud
74. Hook-up or relationship: depends
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker
76. Kissed a stranger: Nope
77. Drank hard liquor: hard as in absinthe or vodka? I guess not.
78. Lost glasses/contacts: i don't even need them
79. Sex on first date: Nope
80. Broken someone's heart: I broke my own. =(
82. Been arrested: Thank god no.
83. Turned someone down: Yea
84. Cried when someone died: nope. I could nvr accept the fact that someone died. Until now I still expect my granmas to sit on their same chairs whenever I visit. =/
85. Fallen for a friend?: nope
86. Yourself: pretty much
87. Miracles: kinda
88. Love at first sight : depends?
89. Heaven: hard to say...
90. Santa Claus: I don't even celebrate x'mas
91. Kiss on the first date: yea
92. Angels: I'm already skeptical about heaven...
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: Nope
95. Did you sing today?: Does sounding like I'm choking count?
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: Nope... I think not
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: I wouldn't.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: THE DAY PMR WAS OVER! =D
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: I wonder does it hurt...
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: guess so.
The poor people i tag 8D:
...please? =D
Posted by eternally4ever at 3:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: tag
You know the 5 Min Chocolate Cake I posted a few days ago?
I just tried it like 10 mins ago and eww. Sure the taste is chocolatey and stuff but god the texture is like eating a carpet. A very old carpet with cat fur on it. -___-
It was so heavy and rough and kinda... wet. Very weird feeling. It's like being dry and wet at the same time.
Oh god I just ate 1 bite and threw the rest. My stomach still feels uncomfortable though for eating such disgusting food.
You know what? I think i'm gonna try to throw up. My stomach can't take it anymore.
I bet the only people that think it's nice are the ones that rarely make their own cakes. Self-satisfaction at doing something right usually eases the tastebuds.
I think I should make some chocolate french sponge cake tomorrow to apologise to my tongue.
Posted by eternally4ever at 3:43 AM 0 comments
Labels: food, incoherent rants
Sch.... weppes.
I would like to introduce you all to a little friend of mine.
Random reader, this is Schweppes Bitter Lemon.
It seems like a harmless lame drink with it's ugly and gaudy sky blue colour, but once you get a sip of this baby, you'll ask coke to eat your shit.
(Btw, it contains quinine and I'm wondering if Islamic ppl can't consume that since it is under the non-halal section of grocery stores. And no, it does not contain alcohol.)
Actually at first I didn't really like it. It just brought back annoying memories of when I was a 5 year old and was sick and refused to drink my cough medicine. I remember it tasted remotely like cough medicine and I was like 'EWW'. But I did like it for it's sour taste though.
But one day I accidentally ate an almond cookie which was salty and I don't really like salty food. But once I took a sip of the Bitter Lemon though, the Bitter Lemon tasted kinda sweet and the cookie didn't taste that bad no more. =D
And when I eat sweet stuff like candy, the bitter taste in the Bitter Lemon is almost completely gone and the sour taste is totally enhanced.
And sometimes I do like to consume bitter stuff. Not sure why. Seems i'm sadistic enough to torture my tastebuds.
My preferences depend on my moods actually and Bitter Lemon is totally awesome cause it's taste changes when you eat different stuff. =D
Posted by eternally4ever at 3:31 AM 0 comments
-_- damn wei. I've been exploding my brains with Heroes since I've nothing to do at all during the holidays and bullshit, I hate this show.
So far for season 2 it was going pretty ok. Sure Peter was stupid as eff and Caitlin just disappeared into thin air never being mentioned again even though Peter said "CAITLIN WAS EVERYTHING TO ME!" Yeah right. You fail at being a boyfriend Peter. PHAIL.
Season 3 beginning was kinda mind blowing for me though. Like serious mind-*BOOM*!
1. First episode (I think it was first anyway) starts off with Sylar messing with Claire's brain and I was like... Wtf are you not eating it and just touching? STOP PLAYING WITH YOUR FOOD.
Even Claire asked and he was like "That's disgusting."
DISGUSTING?! I have lost all hope in you Sylar to be an awesome villain. You don't even support cannibalism. Shame on you.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. *Rolls around laughing*
And he was cutting his son's waffle for him! That's like seeing The Joker asking you to eat your veggies! xD
Oh my god. So this is the reason I continue to watch Heroes. To see Sylar in an apron. LOLZ.
Posted by eternally4ever at 7:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, incoherent rants, lolz, randomness
diet? what is that?
I have to stop making blog posts, I'm getting addicted. This is like my 4th post in a span of 24 hours.
But oh my goodness I just randomly goggled cookie and cake recipes to bake so I can fatten up everyone around me and look what I found. I think satan is going to come after me with his chocolate covered fork cause I'm promoting such sinfully beautiful things.
1. The Five Minute Mug Cake.
(Taken from here)
Yes. You heard right. Just 5 minutes to throw away your discipline and to kill humanity's morals and diets.
From the comments I can tell they eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so if you don't want to spoil your tongue rotten, please don't even think of making this.
2. Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread
(Picture taken from here, hope they don't mind. ;D Cause their picture looked so gorgeous. Recipe from here)
"These cookies are like money. They will soon replace currency. People will want them more than gasoline. Sorry OPEC."That is a quote from a random user on a site recommending it. OH. MY. GOD. Just looking at it I want to lick my screen.
Ok I should stop saying things like that, I sound like a pedophile.
3. Mini Watermelon =D
(Taken from here)
Words cannot describe my awe and surprise. Please click the link. I cannot do it justice. And hint, not really a fruit, but it does grow from vines.
4. Chocolate bowls
(Picture taken from here and recipe from here)
It's made with balloons!

...and I'm more interested in the making process rather than the eating actually. Balloons are so cute and fun, especially the helium filled ones. And once you get bored of them you can suck the helium and use it as laughing gas.
Posted by eternally4ever at 4:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: food, geek moment, pimpin'
*tummy growls*
It's 3am in the morning and I am STARVING!
The last I ate was at 7pm.
(Actually no that's a lie. That last I ate was 5 minutes ago. I snitched 2 slices of tomato.)
There's no bread, no cookies, no any food that requires no cooking.
So here I am, 3am in the morning, cooking.
Cooking what?
Egg, tomatoes and jacob crackers.
... Okay that is one sad meal. To everyone at home, don't try it.
This can't even be called cooking, this should be called 'taking whatever you can find, mashing them up, and then chucking them into a bowl'.
And hmm, be right back. I think my egg is done. (And I cooked my egg by boiling water in a microwave, taking water out and then left the egg to die in the water for 25 mins.)
*after 15 mins*
I take it back! I take it allllll back! Egg, tomatoes and jacob crackers together is the best snack ever. The egg and tomatoes are the main elements that contributes to the taste and one is salty the other is sweet while the jacob crackers tone down the taste by giving this 'plain' feeling to it. The texture is kinda fun really since the egg and tomatoes are soft while the crackers are crispy.
Oh god, it's love at first mouth. Either that or I was too hungry.
Posted by eternally4ever at 3:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: food, incoherent rants
Cats are out to get us.
It contains useful information to know if your 'pet' is the next hitler.
I knew there was a specific reason why I never liked pussies. Both the animal and the human type. D<
And after u killed ur cat, please proceed to see why it would be awesome to sex a unicorn: (click here please.)
Now where do I find a unicorn? O_o
CHARLIE! WHERE ARE YOU CHARLIE?! *swims into youtube channel*
(Get it? channel? water? swim? xD *cue awkward moment and no laughter* o_o Oh god that was lame.)
I want my glitter farting unicorn... =(
Posted by eternally4ever at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: geek moment, lolz, pimpin', randomness